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To Be Verona launches the social contest "Verona: a journey in the senses"

On the occasion of the 3rd International Forum of To Be Verona, which will take place on 21 October at Palazzo della Gran Guardia, we launched the new social contest of this year entitled "Verona: a journey in the senses", which aims to collect photos, videos and short texts of all those who live and appreciate the varied nuances that our province suggests to our senses. Along with olfactory, auditory, tasteful, visual and tactile perceptions, To Be Verona contest proposes participants to be inspired by a sixth sense: the well-being.
To join to To Be Verona contest, you must mark your posts with the hashtag #tobeverona, or alternatively send your material to info@tobeverona.it, until October 15, 2017. Each day, the most original content will be selected and be shared on the social profiles of the project; the most interesting photo, video or story will be awarded at the 3rd Forum of To Be Verona.
Last year, the social contest, which was launched at the 2nd International Forum of To Be Verona, was a real success. There were 624 photos that portrayed the city's unknown side, marked by the #tobeverona hashtag or sent to our mail, 15 short texts and 3 videos. Maurizio Zanetti was triumphant with his picture, and was rewarded after the conclusion of the Forum by the award-winning international photographer Maurizio Marcato.
The theme of the To Be Verona social contest of this year is, if is it possible, even more captivating than last year: the stories about the province of Verona could be inspired by the most varied sensorial experiences, telling us innovative side, but especially intimate and personal, of those who love our territory and want to celebrate it by living it fully.
For more information click here
Social Contest To Be Verona
Social Contest To Be Verona
To Be Verona - Lungadige Galtarossa, 21 - 37133 Verona - info@tobeverona.it
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