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To Be Verona's goal is to create an international hub that can attract Verona's intelligence from around the world in a Talent Sharing context to increase the sharing and contamination of knowledge and skills. Identity and collective growth, but also exploitation of widespread and shared knowledge, intelligent and sustainable use of energy, mobility management and info sharing: these are the focus of To Be Verona, with the upgrading and relaunch of entire areas of the city of Verona and the Province.

Precisely in this respect, the new agreement of To Be Verona and Ass.Im.P. with 311 Verona , a reality in which innovation, training and communication generate professional and human values.
Visit 311 Verona: https://311verona.com/

To Be Verona - Lungadige Galtarossa, 21 - 37133 Verona - info@tobeverona.it
To Be Verona รจ un progetto ASSIMP
assimpToBeVerona Project Management
Privacy Policy - Credits: Future Smart